Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology

Program Assessment Workshop Series


This workshop series provides professional development support for those working on program assessment efforts across campus. Workshop topics are those commonly encountered by those tackling program assessment and Program Review. All workshops are engaging, hands-on experiences designed to help you make significant and positive progress in your program assessment project. The series will also develop your understanding of assessment theory and expertise in assessment-related topics and activities, which can benefit any educator. This series is a partnership between CTLT and Academic Programs and Planning, which provides extensive resources on institutional assessment.

Workshop Series Overview

This workshop series provides materials, exemplars, feedback, and opportunities to work directly on program assessment projects in collaboration with colleagues. It is designed in support of a faculty-centric, inquiry-based approach to assessment for curricular improvement. 

When faculty and staff are expected to engage in program assessment, they deserve professional development support. Preparation for program-level assessment is not typically a component of most faculty's academic preparation and experience. In response, Cal Poly offers this workshop series as the core of a comprehensive professional development program.

  • The workshops are designed as a sequence so that each workshop contributes to success in the next one. The sequence is designed to parallel the chronology of typical program assessment activities.
  • For those taking the series in sequence, one workshop is offered per quarter. However, individual workshops are available as stand-alone experiences for those with interests in a specific workshop topic.
  • All workshops are engaging, hands-on experiences designed to help you make significant progress in your program assessment project. The knowledge, materials and skills will enable you to continue your progress following the workshop in collaboration with program colleagues.
  • The workshops will also enhance your professional development as an educator by expanding your understanding of assessment theory and strengthening your expertise in assessment-related topics and activities.
  • CTLT and APP will provide official documentation suitable for inclusion in annual evaluations.

Workshop Schedule and Descriptions

Each workshop is four hours total (with two 2-hour sessions two weeks apart). All are scheduled from 11:10 am-1 pm; lunch is provided. Schedule for the 2019-20 academic year is as follows. Registration for each is available on each workshop page.


Fall 2019

Workshop 1

Program Learning Outcomes

Tues, Oct 22 and Nov 5


Wed, Oct 23 and Nov 6


Winter 2020

Workshop 2

Curriculum Mapping

(Dates TBD)


Spring 2020

Workshop 3

Assessment Planning

(Dates TBD)

Workshop 1:  Program Learning Outcomes

This workshop is an opportunity to compose well-crafted program learning outcomes that will be effective and critical components of program assessment projects. Participants will explore the role of PLOs in contributing to the meaning, quality and integrity of a degree. They will also review exemplars and apply principles of strong PLOs to examine your program’s existing PLOs for possible refinements.

Workshop 2: Curriculum Mapping

This workshop will provide support and guidance for developing accurate and useful program curriculum maps that can be used in specific program assessment projects. Participants will review examples of strong curriculum maps, examine the best methods for refining your program’s existing curriculum map, and practice analyzing maps for insights that can prompt curriculum improvements.

Workshop 3: Assessment Planning

This workshop will provide efficient and effective support for designing a clear and achievable program assessment plan that can provide insights into student learning. Participants will identify opportunities in the curriculum for assessing learning outcomes, identify appropriate sources of evidence and methods of analysis, and create a multi-year calendar to support ongoing program assessment activities.

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