Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology

About Us


The CTLT's purpose is to provide Cal Poly educators with knowledge and support to develop skills and expertise for exemplary teaching on their journey toward excellence. 


The CTLT's mission is helping educators create equitable and inclusive learning environments and experiences that maximize success for all Cal Poly students. We provide evidence-informed guidance for course design, learning activities and teaching strategies that incorporate best practices in accessibility, equity and inclusion. Our programs and services are informed by scholarship, designed to model effective instruction practices, tailored to the realities of educators’ priorities, focused on well-defined curricular outcomes, and integrated with academic technologies that support teaching and learning success.

Team Members

Members of the CTLT team come from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds but we share a deep interest in the scholarship on teaching and learning as well as a passion for sharing what we have learned with our colleagues. Team members are listed below, and individual profiles are available on our Team Members page.

Name Title Email Phone
Stacey Aragon, BA Administrative Support Coordinator staragon@calpoly.edu 756-5570
Pamela Dougherty, MS Instructional Designer / Accessibility Specialist padoughe@calpoly.edu 756-7381
Catherine Hillman, MS Instructional Designer / Online Instruction Specialist cehillma@calpoly.edu 756-5576
Sarah Macdonald, PhD

Assistant Director / Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Instruction

smacdo05@calpoly.edu 756-7635
Tonia Malone, MS Instructional Designer / LMS Administrator tmalone@calpoly.edu 756-6336
Patrick O'Sullivan, PhD Director posulliv@calpoly.edu 756-7244
Anurag Pande, PhD Faculty Liaison for Service Learning / Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering apande@calpoly.edu 756-2104
Dianna Winslow, PhD

Assistant Director / Writing Instruction Specialist

diwinslo@calpoly.edu 756-7526

CTLT's Diversity Action Plan

Spring 2023

Sample image floated rightThis plan articulates the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology’s (CTLT) goals in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion and the intended actions designed to achieve them. The CTLT’s role as a unit dedicated to supporting campus educators means that our DAP goals encompass two areas: (1) Programming and services goals that will support campus educators to become more equity-minded and inclusive in their teaching, and (2) Staff development goals intended to contribute to continuing education for all CTLT staff on issues related to DEI in higher education and operational goals that are designed to infuse equity and inclusion into the CTLT's internal policies and practices.

Download CTLT Diversity Action Plan PDF

Stipend Policies

CTLT offers modest stipends for a limited number of extended workshops, subject to the policies described in the CTLT Stipend Policies document (updated June 2024). Click below to download the pdf.

Download CTLT Stipend Policies PDF

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