Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology

Assignment and Assessment Design to Promote Academic Integrity

Offered next TBD

Workshop Description

This workshop builds faculty knowledge about course design factors that enhance student self-efficacy and promote academic integrity. Assignment and Assessment Design to Promote Academic Integrity reviews evidence-based teaching strategies for designing or revising course assignments to enhance students' learning, critical thinking, and reflection practices.

This workshop explicitly addresses how faculty can mitigate academic dishonesty through course curriculum design.

The workshop includes support for creating activities and assignments that meet desired course learning outcomes, increase intrinsic motivation, and promote students' honest engagement with learning processes. In this workshop, participants will engage with and discuss: 

  • Current research on cheating and plagiarism
  • Reflective review of their current course assignments and assessments 
  • Course assignment scaffolding and arc
  • "Low stakes" formative activities and assignments to mediate single "high stakes" summative assessments
  • How to build class community and deepen critical engagement
  • Assessment rubrics for instructor reflection and transparent teaching, as well as efficient and consistent grading

We are offering this program as part of our efforts to support campus-wide conversations about academic dishonesty, cheating, and plagiarism. Our goal is to provide opportunities for faculty to investigate what they can do to encourage academic integrity by integrating learning theory and course design with their teaching practices. 

Register Currently Unavailable for Assignment and Assessment Design

Stipend Information and Time Commitment

This workshop incorporates three 90-minute in-person sessions and self-paced reviews of online materials, reflective activities, and redesign assignments. It is designed for faculty and instructors who currently teach at Cal Poly. A $200 stipend (Download CTLT Stipend Policies PDF) is available for those who complete all components of the workshop: the self-paced readings, activities, and reflections, in-persons sessions, and a final reflection about change(s) faculty may make to their courses based on what they develop in this workshop, as well as suggestions to workshop leaders for improving future Assignment and Assessment Design workshops. 

Time commitment is 25-30 hours, depending on prior knowledge, skill level, and experience. (This includes in-person session attendance)

Workshop Materials:

  • Materials will be available on a Canvas site.
  • Materials include readings, slide shows, short activities, and reflections.

In-Person Sessions:

  • Participants will meet for sessions (see dates above) in Chase Hall, Bldg 115, room 104
  • Sessions will be discussions about each unit's materials, teaching strategies, and redesign approaches.

Register Currently Unavailable for Assignment and Assessment Design


Dianna Winslow, PhD

Assistant Director | Writing Instruction Specialist, CTLT

Please get in touch with Dianna with questions about participation at diwinslo@calpoly.edu.

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