Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology

Building Toward Equity - Racial Equity Workshops

AY 2023-24

The Office for University Diversity and Inclusion (OUDI) and the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT)'s Faculty Associates for DEI in Teaching are offering a range of racial equity workshops as part of the Building Toward Equity faculty development program this academic year. The Building Toward Equity program scaffolds DEI learning to develop faculty awareness, knowledge, and skills around issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in teaching and learning. 

All workshops (unless noted) will be held from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm on Fridays. 


Please visit the Trauma Healing for Educators of Color page to register for this workshop. Please visit Racial Equity Workshops Registration to register for all other workshops. 

For two-part workshops, please either register for parts 1 and 2, or for part 1 only; participants who attend part 2 should have also attended part 1. Though focused on topics related to classroom teaching, staff are welcome to attend as noted. 

Upcoming Workshops: Spring 2024

All workshops (unless noted) will be held from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm on Fridays. 

Trauma Informed Teaching and Learning 

  • Friday, April 26 from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm (On Zoom; open to faculty and staff

Trauma Healing for Educators of Color

  • Wednesday, May 8 from 4:30-7:30 pm (In person; open to faculty and staff)

Faculty and staff of color in academia often experience a range of microaggressions, racism, and are overburdened with service and mentorship requirements compared to their White counterparts. This workshop provides a space for faculty and staff of color at Cal Poly to process those experiences in ways that result in healing from those negative, and often traumatic, experiences that are common among faculty of color at Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs). For an extended description see ​​​​​​​Trauma Healing for Educators of Color.

Equity-Minded Assignments (Part 1)

  • Friday, May 17 from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm (On Zoom; open to faculty and staff)

Equity-Minded Assessments (Part 2)

  • Friday, May 24 from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm (In person; focused on classroom teaching; open to faculty and staff)

The Equity-minded Assignments and Assessments workshop is a two—part series that offers guidance on best practices for promoting optimal learning conditions so that all students can demonstrate their knowledge and skills. The workshop series is designed for educators ready to explore non-traditional assignment and assessment methods that uplift all students and are student centered rather than instructor centered. These sessions may be particularly interesting to those curious about piloting new techniques in their courses. Faculty will be introduced to the history of white supremacy in/through learning assessment and techniques such as anti-racist grading contracts, un-grading, and specification grading. By the end of the workshop series, participants will have a template for updating course materials in line with racial equity in assignment and assessment design.   

Past Workshops: Fall 2023, Winter 2024

  • Linguistic Justice, March 8 (On Zoom; open to faculty and staff)
  • Power Dynamics in the Classroom: Becoming an Antiracist Educator, October 20 (On Zoom; open to faculty and staff)
  • Trauma Healing for Educators of Color, November 1, 4:30-7:30 pm
  • Community Cultural Wealth and Asset-Based Teaching (Part 1), November 17 (On Zoom; open to faculty and staff)
  • Community Cultural Wealth and Asset-Based Teaching (Part 2), December 1

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