Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology

Our Mission

With expertise in pedagogy, learning theories, instructional design and technologies, and inclusive practices, the Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology supports Cal Poly’s mission of fostering a Learn by Doing environment. We welcome opportunities to work with Cal Poly instructors and staff on the development, implementation and assessment of meaningful educational experiences that enhance excellence in learning.

We believe best practices and instructional innovations should be made visible, as an inspiration and impetus for the teaching community. To this end, we host showcases, learning communities, book circles, and workshops throughout the year, and our website contains resources for faculty to utilize and modify for their courses. 

We believe effective educational strategies and techniques adapt and evolve over time. To create the best traditional, online, and hybrid learning environments for students, faculty and staff must be generously supported in reflecting, rethinking and recalibrating their teaching and services. We believe effective teaching, like lifelong learning, is ongoing and transformative.

We are committed to working closely with faculty, staff and students across the university to provide programs and services designed to enhance the education of whole-systems thinkers with a comprehensive polytechnic identity. 

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