Examining Whiteness
WINTER 2025, THursdays, JAN 23-February 27, 9:30 AM-11:00 AM
Workshop Description
Examining Whiteness began in 2020 as a partnership between the Office for University Diversity and Inclusion and the Center for Teaching Learning and Technology. Examining Whiteness includes two components: 1) A 6-part foundational series, and 2) an ongoing discussion series. The 6-part foundational series is intended as a first step toward engaging in critical reflection on Whiteness and working toward antiracism; after completing the 6-part foundational series, all participants are strongly encouraged to participate in the ongoing series.
Examining Whiteness is designed to encourage White educators to critically examine and gain a deeper understanding of systemic racism, Whiteness, and White racial identity. The series is open to individuals at all levels of learning in their personal journey toward better understanding Whiteness in their personal and professional lives. The Examining Whiteness foundational series provides faculty and staff the opportunity to engage in conversations based on a discussion protocol and curriculum (adapted by the facilitators for higher education) that is inspired by and draws from the nationally recognized Building Anti-Racist White Educators (BARWE).
Who is this Space For? Following the BARWE model, this space is intended to work toward developing White educators interested in engaging in opportunities to discuss, learn, and challenge one another on topics related to Whiteness, White racial identity, and working toward antiracism. Though these discussions are centered around Whiteness and White identity, all interested are welcome to participate.
Examining Whiteness- Winter 2025 Registration
Meetings and Time Commitment
The introductory workshop has six synchronous meetings on Thursdays from 9:30-11:00 am from January 23- February 27. We ask that you commit to attending all 6 sessions, but understand if you are unable to attend one session. If you believe that you will miss more than one session; we will ask you to consider signing up during a subsequent quarter.
Each week we assign short readings, podcasts, or videos. These assignments are intended to be brief and designed to be able to be completed in around 2 hours or less. We have intentionally kept assignments short.
Lead Facilitator: Sarah Macdonald, PhD (she/her/hers); Assistant Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Teaching, CTLT. Please contact Sarah with any questions at smacdo05@calpoly.edu
Heather Domonoske, MA (she/her/hers); Associate Director of Career Education and Equity, Career Services
Courtney Moore, MA (she/her/hers); Coordinator, Students with Dependents
Quotes From Previous Participants