Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology

New Faculty Campus Partners Resources Directory

Also See New Faculty Self-paced Resources

and the New Faculty Foundations Event Homepage

Quick link list:

California Faculty Association Resources

The California Faculty Association is the exclusive collective bargaining representative for California State University faculty, which includes tenure-track faculty, lecturers, librarians, counselors, and coaches. We have a local chapter at Cal Poly. We invite you to stand with us to protect and improve one of the greatest university systems in the world. Join us to advocate for CSU-represented members at the California State Legislature and in all public arenas. If you are a CSU faculty member, please join CFA. Your membership strengthens us all.

Campus Health and Wellbeing Resources

Campus Health and Wellbeing supports student success through quality, holistic care and the promotion of lasting wellness. As new instructional personnel, we hope you will familiarize yourself with our services so you can recommend them to students as you see the need. Campus Health and Wellbeing assists students by minimizing class time lost due to illness, injury, or personal concerns. The Health Services Fee students pay as part of their tuition covers most of these services:

  • Food Pantry
  • Basic needs support services
  • Mustangs for Recovery
  • Primary medical care and walk-in medical services
  • Laboratory testing
  • Onsite X-rays
  • Prescription and over-the-counter medications
  • Mental health crisis intervention
  • Individual, couples, and group mental health counseling
  • Mental health trainings and workshops
  • Health education programs
  • Wellbeing services

Career Services

Career Services empowers students to achieve a lifetime of meaningful career success by engaging with Cal Poly's vibrant network. Career Services is a free resource for Cal Poly students and alumni. Faculty are an integral part in student success and we want to partner with you to empower students to succeed in both their academic disciplines and their career endeavors. Career counselors are always excited to facilitate a workshop for classes on a wide variety of career topics. Faculty can also embed career counseling modules into a course or seek guidance from our office on career related assignments to include within a course.

Center for Service in Action

The Center for Service in Action (CSA) at Cal Poly connects students with meaningful community service opportunities that complement their educational experience, strengthen their understanding of diversity and social responsibility, and develop skills to become ethical and knowledgeable leaders who contribute to a global society. The CSA cultivates reciprocal service and learning partnerships between the university and community partner agencies, serving community-based organizations and governmental institutions seeking University support to address unmet community needs.

Disability Resource Center

Cal Poly's Disability Resource Center (DRC) cultivates an accessible and inclusive community where students with permanent and temporary disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of campus life. We facilitate student learning and access through partnerships with students, faculty, and staff. DRC staff look forward to collaborating with new faculty!

Below are a few examples of videos we've created that are geared toward faculty. The videos go over student accommodations as well as strategies for inclusion. For additional videos, visit the DRC "Disability Tapas" webpage

Students are legally entitled to receive their accommodations, but what happens if there's a concern about implementing? This ADA/504 Accommodations presentation provides an overview of the legal obligations of faculty and staff, how to collaborate with Disability Resource Center staff, and direction on additional resources to bring in for support.

Faculty Guide to Accommodating Students with Disabilities

The Faculty Guide to Accommodating Students with Disabilities provides a list of ten key things to know about accommodating students with disabilities, as well as additional resources for faculty. We recommend that you download and read this short guide and keep it available to remind yourself of key considerations and resources. 

Support with providing students with testing accommodations can be found on the webpage DRC Testing Information for Faculty.

The Division of Research

The Division of Research provides leadership and support to Cal Poly faculty and students in their pursuit of excellence in their research and creative efforts. As faculty engage in their own research and creative activity, they continually update their knowledge and skills and renew their classroom teaching. When students have the opportunity to participate in research and other forms of scholarship, critical and analytical thinking is enhanced, and their innate curiosity is piqued and their talents are cultivated. Cal Poly faculty engage in a broad variety of sponsored projects in applied research and development, consulting, product testing, analytical testing, curriculum design and development, and community service, across all disciplinary areas.

Employee and Organization Development Resources

Employee and Organization Development (EOD) provides learning and development resources for Cal Poly's employees. The variety of learning opportunities assist employees at all levels in developing the skills and competencies needed to be successful in their current roles, to prepare them for new responsibilities in future roles, and to enrich their personal lives. Sign up for the Learn and Grow Newsletter.

Please watch this short video about Employee & Organization Development which highlights our team’s interest in your success and about the programs, services, and activities we offer.

Employee and Organization Development also provides many resources to support you as a new employee. From campus-wide orientation, to onboarding tools, to Frequently Asked Questions, bookmark the New Employee Page to reference throughout your time as a new employee here at Cal Poly.

Faculty Staff Associations

Faculty Staff Associations (FSAs) are social and community-building groups for Cal Poly faculty, staff, and in some cases, graduate students. The FSAs host a variety of events, programs, and initiatives including socials, social justice efforts, mentorship with students, educational opportunities, and more!

Please visit our Faculty Staff Associations Welcome Page to learn more and connect with new colleagues!

List of FSAs:

You can sign up to join any of the Cal Poly FSAs by filling out this form: Join the FSAs

Human Resources and Benefits

Human Resources is committed to providing innovative leadership to the campus community in attracting, developing, motivating and retaining a highly-skilled, productive, and diverse workforce at Cal Poly.  Whether you’re looking for information about our employee assistance program, the fee waiver program, or return to campus protocols, we are here to support you.  

Your Benefits and Employee Services Team within Human Resources is here to help you understand the comprehensive benefit program options available to you and your dependents. Visit the Employee Benefits Summary to review your specific benefits package and see our Benefits webpage for detailed information about plans and the enrollment process, some of which needs to be completed within your first 60 days. New plans and rates are coming for 2023—watch for campus announcements about the annual Open Enrollment period in September. 

Information Technology Services (ITS)

New Faculty and Staff Tech Resources is a single-page quick start guide for new faculty with an overview of many critical Cal Poly technology resources.

The Information Technology Services (ITS) website offers information about technology services available to faculty, links to self-help information addressing common tech questions, and a direct link to request tech support from the ITS Service Desk.

International Center

The Cal Poly International Center connects students with opportunities to study, intern, and research abroad. We also support international students who study at Cal Poly as well as international scholars who study, conduct research and/or teach on our campus. We collaborate with faculty on study abroad programming including our faculty-led Global Programs, help facilitate international group travel for faculty and staff, and promote research and teaching abroad opportunities through partner programs and international fellowships such as the Fulbright Scholars Program.

Kennedy Library Resources

Our purpose is to promote open and informed inquiry, foster collaboration and innovation, support the unique needs of every student and scholar at Cal Poly, and contribute to the cultural life of San Luis Obispo. 

OneSearch is the main Kennedy and CSU search platform. For tips and tricks in using it, including signing in and making requests, the OneSearch FAQs and Off-Campus Access to Library Resources webpage provides the basics. 

For Course Reserves, Research Guides, and other faculty-centric resources, visit this Kennedy Library Faculty webpage

Part of fulfilling our purpose is to ensure student success by promoting affordable course materials. If faculty are interested in learning about using affordable teaching resources for their courses, this Affordable Course Materials webpage provides guidance and information.

Learn by Doing

Since our founding in 1901, Learn by Doing has always been Cal Poly’s core philosophy. It’s a deliberate process in which students, from day one, acquire knowledge and skills through active engagement and self-reflection inside the classroom and beyond it. Learn more about Learn by Doing at the Cal Poly More Than a Motto home page and the Learn by Doing webpage.

More Than a Motto: The Meaning Behind Cal Poly's Learn by Doing Signature was published in 2017 as a hard copy signature book and includes 22 case studies from across the university, including examples from all six colleges and Student Affairs. A free digital copy of the Learn by Doing e-book with interactive videos and images is also available to stream. New faculty and staff are encouraged to read the introductory chapter of the book, which provides a general overview of what Learn by Doing means at Cal Poly, and peruse the case studies for great information about how you can develop your own "learn by doing" curriculum.

Office of the Dean of Students

The CARE Team (Campus Assessment, Response, and Education)
This important campus unit serves as a resource to help students resolve university-related issues and concerns to help them obtain their degrees. The office ensures student success by facilitating referrals, support, and advocacy through nonclinical interventions. It also provides follow-up services in collaboration with other university departments or individuals, community agencies, parents or guardians, and stakeholders in the student's success.

Guardian Scholars
The Guardian Scholars Program serves incoming first-year, transfer, and continuing students who have experienced foster care. We are committed to helping students earn a degree by providing a community of support where students can succeed and thrive.

Students with Dependents
The Students with Dependents Program supports pregnant, parenting and caregiving students earning a degree or credential. With a multi-generational approach, we are committed to helping students and their dependents success in higher education together. We understand that being a student with dependents is an important facet of our students' identities, and we want them to be proudly visible on campus as both a parent and a student.

Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
This office administers the California State University Standards for Student Conduct. The office ensures a fair and impartial administration of the disciplinary process while educating students about their responsibilities and protecting the rights of all members of the university community. It also addresses student behavioral problems in a developmental and educational manner, with the goal of fostering the ethical development and personal integrity of students.

Office of University Diversity and Inclusion (OUDI)

The Office of University Diversity and Inclusion (OUDI) provides leadership, resources, and support to enhance campus climate and foster an equitable and inclusive environment for every member of the Cal Poly community. OUDI leads several DEI programs and university-wide initiatives such as the Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives, Black Student Success Initiatives, Diversity Partners Network, BEACoN Research Scholars Program, the President’s Diversity Awards, and the Building Towards Equity Faculty Development Programs in partnership with the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. Faculty who are interested in learning more about OUDI’s programs and services can visit our website to access our DEI Faculty Hiring Guide, apply for DEI Enrichment Funding, and learn more about the upcoming DEI Scholar Collective.

Office of Writing and Learning Initiatives

This unit supports Cal Poly student learning and achievement by coordinating a variety of programs and services, including academic preparation, placement, and transitions; tutoring and supplemental learning support services; and the Graduation Writing Requirement (GWR) for upper-division and graduate students. New instructional personnel are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the resources available through this office by visiting our webpages. We also welcome instructors to contact Executive Director Dr. Dawn Janke to discuss writing and learning support options for their specific courses. A syllabus statement on academic support is available on the CTLT Syllabus Statements webpage.

Payroll Services Resources

Payroll Services is a section of University Financial Services within Administration and Finance at Cal Poly. The services we provide to the University are both financial and employee-focused:

  • Ensuring all state paychecks and direct deposit payroll for faculty, staff, and students issue in accordance with State and CSU policies and procedures.
  • Welcoming new employees to Cal Poly while providing their new employee intake.
  • Accounting of all employee leave balances, usage, and accruals each month.
  • Coordinating and maintaining employee attendance records with University departments.

Employees can have secure online access to information on your earning and deductions, earning statements, and W-2 information when they register for an account in the new Cal Employee Connect service. Get Started with Cal Employee Connect.


Safer is Cal Poly's prevention education and confidential advocacy resource for sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation and harassment. Safer staff partner with and support faculty members to infuse this education into department and classroom settings, as well as how to respond to disclosures of harm.

  • Our Prevention Specialist and Campus Advocates are available for consultations around a variety of issues, and you can find resources including syllabus statements, a training hub, and information on how to support survivors on our Faculty and Staff Resources page.
  • Our confidential Advocacy services are available to you in the event you have experienced harm or are supporting someone who has been harmed.  You can make an appointment with either of our Advocates.

Additional involvement opportunities:

  • Sign up for our monthly Faculty & Staff Newsletter, featuring current events, resources, Safer engagement opportunities, professional wellness resources, and more
  • Schedule a presentation of any length for your classroom, department, faculty association, or organization
  • Set up a consultation with our Prevention Specialist to discuss options and tailor a presentation to your needs


Service Learning and Community Engagement

Service-learning at Cal Poly is a collaborative program between Student Affairs (SA) and Academic Innovations and Planning (AIP) that addresses critical community needs while reinforcing course content through a learn-by-doing approach. For more information and providing suggestions on desired resources, please don't hesitate to contact the faculty liaison for Service-Learning (Dr. Anurag Pande) at apande@calpoly.edu.

Student Ombuds Services

The Office of Student Ombuds Services is a campus resource for all Cal Poly students. The Ombuds staff is committed to hearing about students’ experiences. The office offers a safe place to go for assistance in resolving any university-related issue, concern, conflict, or complaint. All communications with the office are strictly confidential, informal, impartial, and independent. (The only exception is when there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm to self or others or issues about sexual misconduct.)  

Most institutions have formal channels such as Human Resources, Equal Opportunity, or Compliance to address issues for students who experience university interactions that stray from healthy learning and institutional goals. However, informal and confidential channels such as Student Ombuds Services, provide an alternate and complementary avenue for addressing concerns. Students can reach out to Student Ombuds Services as a first step, last resort, or anywhere along the way.

Find out more about what Ombuds do (and don't do!) on the Student Ombuds Services webpages.

Student Diversity and Belonging (SDAB)

Student Diversity and Belonging is a collective of campus resource centers supporting and empowering students experiencing marginalization through intersectional advocacy and cultural connections to build a more just and equitable Cal Poly community. We recommend you sign up for the Student Diversity and Belonging Newsletter to keep up-to-date on their work at Cal Poly. Student Diversity & Belonging is comprised of the following campus community centers organized into two cluster areas:

Sustainability in the Classroom

As a leading polytechnic university, Cal Poly has always offered curricula related to issues of environment, economy, and social equity. As the awareness of global climate change has created the modern sustainability movement, Cal Poly has worked to continually evolve its academic programs to prepare students to meet their own sustainability goals, those of prospective employers, and those of the local and global community. Please visit the Sustainability in the Classroom webpage for resources that support faculty in incorporating sustainability learning into the classroom, as well as the Faculty and Staff Opportunities webpage for information on expanding sustainability efforts in the office, the classroom, and your research.

Transfer Center

Cal Poly's Transfer Center empowers and supports transfer students to succeed and thrive while advancing institutional support for transfer students. It is important to note that the Transfer Center does not provide academic advising to transfer students, all academic advising for transfers is provided by college advising centers.

The Transfer Center has a physical space in Bldg 52 RmE30 for transfers to study, build community, and ask questions to staff. Transfer Center staff offer transfer inclusion trainings for staff, faculty, and students and have created a resource page focused on tools for supporting transfer student success. All transfer students are welcome to attend weekly events hosted by the Transfer Center to build community and get connected to key academic success resources.

University Advising-Retention

The office of University Advising-Retention is charged with increasing Cal Poly’s retention and graduation rates while closing equity gaps. With a focus on institutional equity, the Retention team coordinates and delivers time-sensitive outreach to students, especially those considering time off; compiles, analyzes, and provides data to campus leadership and the advising community; and identifies barriers to graduation and recommends policy changes or interventions to mitigate those challenges.

University Housing

University Housing provides a safe and inclusive living environment for more than 8,800 students. In collaboration with campus partners, Housing staff and student leaders are committed to building a well-rounded, nurturing support system that positively impacts academics and student life; diversity, equity and inclusion; and health and well-being. Every student living in campus housing is part of a Residential Learning Community (RLC), so find out more about becoming a Faculty in Residence.

Also See New Faculty Self-paced Resources

and the New Faculty Foundations Event Homepage.

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